Selasa, 13 April 2010

How to Burn Fat at Home

If you want to burn fat quickly combining cardiovascular training and strength training in your routine will ensure you see results in no time. The workouts don't have to include equipment that takes up half your living room or half your wallet if you know what to get. Here are some suggestions for great first-purchases to help get your fat burning at home program underway on a budget. All items should be available at your local sporting goods or fitness equipment retailer.

1. Make free weight exercises using dumbbells and barbells the foundation of your in-home gym fitness program. Free weights are compact, easy to store and take care of. Lifting free weights also gives you more strength training bang for your buck, because it works multiple muscle groups within an exercise. Focus on the basic compound exercises, such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses.

2. Use resistance bands. They offer a complete and highly effective strength training workout to build muscle and burn fat in a space-saving, inexpensive and highly portable form. Similar in look to a jump rope, the bands are made of plastic tubing and come in differing resistance levels (light, medium or heavy or specific pound equivalents). Whatever exercises you can do with free weights you can basically do with resistance bands. Most bands come with exercise illustrations, some even offer instructional videos. You can also find free resistance band exercises for burning fat on the internet, so there is no excuse not to get started.

3. Get a cardio workout. Whilst strength training is great for muscle building, cardio workouts will burn more calories during the exercise. Start doing simple exercises at home like push-ups, pull-ups, squats and abdominal crunches. Also consider fun activities which you could do with friends like walking, running, cycling, and swimming.

How to Build up Internal Force

Learn the secrets of building internal energy within your body and harness that power.

1. Understand the three principles of internal energy:, regulating the posture (body), regulating the breath, and regulating the mind.

2. Learn Chi Kung, Yoga or Ilmu Tenaga Dalam (Ilmu Tenaga Dalam can be found in Malaysia and Indonesia).

3. Learn abdominal breathing. If you are not at a teacher level, don't try to modify the techniques.

4. Learn to relax your body.

5. Learn to relax your mind. Your mind should be attentive or in the state of awareness.
6. For beginners, learn this simple technique: Sit down on the floor; relax your body; breathe naturally; don't think of anything, just be attentive.

7. Another technique is to count your breathing to ten; after you have counted to ten, repeat the process of counting from one to ten. Do it for one minute or a few minutes.

8. If you feel the energy moving inside your body, don't try to control it. Let it flow naturally.

How to Build an Agility and Strength Climbing Course

Have you ever imagined being as agile as a cat? Or really strong? Paying for a gym membership can be expensive, so why not build a simple training course that will give you great results and it wont break the bank!

1. Find two trees that are pretty close to each other, then find a branch that will span the gap between the trees and support your weight.

2. Use a ladder to nail the branch just above your reach, so that you have to jump a little to grab hold of it.

3. Find another branch that is just a tad bigger than one tree. Nail that to the tree above the long branch.

4. Span another long strong branch across the trees above the single branch.

5. Place another smaller branch on the opposite side so that you have to sidle along the big branch to reach it.

6. Continue this as far up as you want to go.

How to Build Muscle at Home

Building muscle at home is surprisingly straightforward and doesn't require any fancy gym equipment. All it takes is a little creativity and a commitment to workout regularly.

1. Find a replacement for dumbbells. 2 cans of food or 1-2 litre bottles of drink can be a great substitute for dumbbells and can be used for a number of exercises.

2. Do bicep curls. A good arm exercise for building muscle is a Bicep Curl. Stand with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight and stabilize your core.

* Hold a can/bottle in each hand, elbows bent and tucked into your sides and forearms parallel to the ground. In a controlled manner bring the bottle/can up towards the shoulder, keeping your elbow tucked into your side.
* Breathe out as you do this and then breathe in as you lower your arm back down till it is once again parallel to the ground.

3. Do these curls 10 - 12 times on each arm, once you have done one set of these go on and do another 2 sets of 10 - 12 on each arm. When you can do these comfortably then you need to find something heavier to use as it is time to increase the weight.

4. Try some tricep dips. Another good exercise for building muscle that you can do at is a Tricep Dip.

* Sit on a chair/bench and place your hands on either side of your body on the chair.
* Wriggle your bottom off the chair so that your arms are supporting your weight.
* Feet hip width apart out in front of you. Drop your bottom down until your elbows are at about 90 degrees and then raise yourself up until your arms a straight again. Breathe out as you lower yourself down and breathe in on the way up. Do 10 - 12 of these, 3 times.

5. Always remember some form of pushup. Push ups are a fantastic way to build muscle. If you are a real beginner you can do a push up standing up against a wall. The same positioning, just in an upright position. Once you have mastered wall push ups you can graduate to the floor.

* Before commencing traditional toe push ups, start with knees on the ground until you can comfortably manage 20 - 30. To do a pushup, lay on the ground face down, with your hands flat on the ground at about chest level.
* Push yourself up so your arms are supporting your weight and make sure your core is braced and that your back and head are in alignment.
* Imagine you have a broomstick resting on your back from head to bottom and you need to keep your body in alignment with it.

6. Work on large muscle groups. Working big muscle groups is a great way of burning fat and building muscle. Some of the best muscles for this are the Quadriceps and Glutes. Squats are a brilliant way of working both of these muscles.

* To perform a squat stand with feet hip width apart, back straight, head up and brace the core. Put your hands on your hips or straight out in front of you, whatever is more comfortable. Lower yourself down into a squat as if you were about to sit in a chair. Do this 10 times and then do another 2 sets.

7. Do these exercises 3 times a week, making sure you have at least a days rest between to give your muscles a chance to recover and regenerate. This workout coupled with some cardio such as running, walking, swimming, bike riding or other sport will have you well on your way to developing muscle mass.

How to Build Massive Pecs Old Style

To build massive pecs old-style, involves ignoring fads and trends and returning to what worked for the beef cakes of yesteryear. Forget the Pec Deck at your local gym. Ignore those shopping channel chest expanders...

To build a muscular chest involves doing like Marty McFly in the Spielberg movie and going 'Back To The Future'..!

It involves returning to proven exercise procedures that yield measurable results!

1. Build bigger pecs by selecting a compound exercise (bench press or dip). To grow muscular pecs requires you building impressive strength first. To build massive pecs old-style, involves you lifting heavy.

For the dip, consider 20 kilos strapped to your middle a good starting point!

While the targets proposed here are challenging, they are also achievable. For example: legendary strength trainee Marvin Eder during the 1950's, completed a validated world-beating dip of 435 pounds along with 7 weighted chins with 200 pounds! Marvin Eder himself weighed a modest but not insignificant 200 pounds.

2. Cycle your training. Training hard all the time is a sure-fire way to failure. To succeed requires recuperation. Instead, stagger your training intensity. Nothing kills results more than training hard all the time...

To grow your pecs requires rest!

3. Adopt the philosophy of less is more and less is better. One tough set is all you need to grow. Work hard at adding a little more iron to your bench press, or a little more weight to your dip exercise - and you will grow!

Get strong, and you will build massive pecs.

How to Build Great Arms

Nothing beats a muscular and toned set of arms. They are a man's pride. They give you confidence and send the right message. Protruding veins in the forearms show strenght and look sexy. Here is a perfect way to get the arms that gaurantee attention and make you feel great. First of all, it doesn't matter if you have really bulked up arms or chicken arms ( sorry, no offence) they just need to be worked on accordingly.If you have been doing weights for a while, I am very sure you understand the importance of doing power sets for arms. They are really important. Start off with heavy weights for biceps and triceps( lets say 40-44 pounds). Even if you can only do two reps, that's fine- try to gradually increase it. The above mentioned weights are not for beginners. Some experience in arms training will do.

1. Do the reps slowly with proper form.

2. Do at least three sets with a dumbell. Then drop the weight to half and do as many reps until you hit failure (remember the exercise has to be done slowly and with proper form). If it hurts, keep going and stay calm- you are forcing your biceps to grow.

3. Do the same for forearm workout. Start off heavy and then cut the weight in half and do at least three sets until you hit failure.

4. Do all four exercises (hammer curls for biceps and triceps, barbell curls, forearm lifts and forearm curls).

5. Do three sets each and cut the weight in half after first three sets. When doing heavy higher reps aren't that important but try to do as many as you can with proper form. After cutting the weight in half, push yourself to the limit and do all exercises until failure.

How to Become Left Handed when you are Right Handed

Becoming a left-hander when you are a natural right-hander can profit you in a few ways and be an interesting experiment.

1. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. When you practice, you will become better at writing with your left hand.

2. Hold, pick up, and pass things with your left hand. Soon, you will get used to your left hand.

3. Learn how to juggle-- it will get you to use your left hand a lot.

4. Only practice your left-hand writing at home. When you are in school, write with your dominant or right hand. Do this until you can write neatly and quickly with your left hand.

5. Have a technique. For example, write the words left and right on your hands. Make sure that right and left are written on the right hands. Say "right with left".

6. Try writing "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" over and over again. Since this sentence has every letter of the alphabet in it, it's good practice.

How to Be Popular and Athletic

Many people want to be popular and athletic, but not sure how. This wikiHow will tell you exactly what to do.

1. Be healthy. Being athletic isn't about having that crazy super model body, or that steroids buff chest. Being athletic is simply about looking and being healthy. If you want to be athletic, try getting into sports, or exercising more often, instead of sitting around watching TV.

2. Exercise in moderation. If you're trying to be athletic, don't go overboard and work yourself to death.

3. Distinguish between being athletic and body appearance. Some people confuse or mistake 'being athletic' with 'being skinny'. If you get those two very different things confused, you could start getting unhealthy.

4. Eat a healthy diet. Don't go on a crash diet or be anorexic or bulemic. Those aren't athletic. They are sicknesses and illnesses, and some could lead to illnesses.

5 .Be popular, by developing the following:

* Personality
* Patience
* Good attitude
* If you want to become popular, don't be shallow and mean, as in the movies and TV shows. You should interact with a lot of people, making sure you're on good terms with them. If you feel the conversation is going bad, just simply say 'sorry' or 'I have to go now. Bye!'

6. Have a lot of great personality. The three main traits of a popular person:

* Humor
* Athletism
* Intelligence

How to Be Ambidextrous

Michelangelo, Einstein, Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Truman were all physically ambidextrous. Here are some tips I've gathered to learn how to do it. These have been collected from friends, books, and the internet.

1. Practice with everything you do. Hold your glass with your non-dominant hand, open your door, hammer a nail, brush your teeth, shave, etc. Switch your mouse buttons, too. Try to remember to use your opposite hand with the small things.

2. Give yourself the same patience you'd give a child learning how to do open a can of soup, unlock the door, and so on.

3. Start doing things in tandem: Swirl 2 glasses of water with both hands simultaneously. Throw 2 wads of paper at the same time, catch 2 balls, "wax on, wax off." Feel what it's like to use both hands at the same time. Strive towards achieving balance in your arms and hands.

4. Start writing or drawing with both hands. Tack down some paper and start drawing butterflies, vases, symmetrical objects, write words, letters, shapes, or whatnot. Although your writing will be awful at first, write a couple lines every day from the start.

5. Write Zig-Zag/Like a DotMatrix: To take this all to the next level, write from left-to-right (normal direction) with your right hand, and from right-to-left with your left, writing backwards sentences that look correct when held up to a mirror. (This is called boustrophedon.) This is useful because righties are used to writing "from thumb to pinkie", and may write more naturally with their left hand while writing backwards.

6. Learn juggling. Three and four balls. A great way to train your weaker arm.

How to Avoid Working out the Wrong Way

Most British think moderate physical activity is better than vigorous exercise, according to researchers at the University Brunel and the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. While British say it`s healthier to go for a walk rather than having competitive sports or jogging, most large studies showed that vigorous activities offer greater health benefits.

1. Do thirty minutes of moderate activity five times per week.

2. Try brisk walking, mowing the lawn, or cycling at less than ten mph.

How to Avoid Knee Injuries

Knee pain is a common complaint for middle-aged and older adults, and often results from persistent strains over many years or minor injuries early in life. Most knee injuries are caused by ligament sprains and cartilage tears, which result from certain types of movements that can be avoided. Other knee injuries are the result of consistent wear and tear on the joint caused from weak muscles around the knee or an irregular gait. In general, women are at a higher risk for both sports-related and non-athletic injuries to the knee, but anyone, regardless of gender or activity level, can benefit from behaviors that promote knee health.

1. Avoid ACL or MCL tears in athletics. Tearing the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or medial cruciate ligament (MCL) in the knee are common injuries in many sports. Avoid motions that may place you at high risk for tearing an ACL or MCL:

* Avoid twisting the knee while running or jumping, and crouch to avoid knee injuries while turning, pivoting and landing.
* Take care when slowing down from a sprint, or when making sharp changes in direction while running.
* Avoid contact sports in which your knee may be susceptible to blows, such as American football and rugby.

2. Develop a healthy fitness routine for your knees.

* Do exercises that strengthen the leg muscles, such as stair climbing or uphill walking, to stabilize the knee and avoid placing too much pressure on the joint.
* Always warm up before exercising, and cool down afterward with light activity, such as walking.
* Stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings regularly, particularly after exercising, to alleviate tension on the knee.
* Avoid exercise that places too much strain on the knee. Increase the impact of your fitness routine gradually, particularly on high-impact activities, like running.

3. Care for your knees in daily activities.

* Wear shoes that promote proper knee alignment. Well-fitting shoes should balance your foot and prevent the foot rolling inward. Check your shoe soles for normal wear, which should occur along the heel, outer edge and ball of the foot, and ask your doctor about orthopedic shoes if you experience abnormalities in your gait.
* Avoid hyper-extending the knee. Never stand with your knees locked, but instead allow a slight bend in your knee at all times when standing or walking.
* Adopt a plan for fitness and nutrition that helps you stay in shape. People who are overweight are at higher risk for knee injuries and other joint pain.
* Do well-rounded stretching of your legs regularly, even if you don’t have a fitness routine. Daily stretching helps maintain healthy knees in your everyday activities.

How to Ace a Yearly Fitness Test

Oh no. The yearly (or twice yearly) fitness test has started, and you know you will fail. This article will show you how to train and ace your test.

1. One of the biggest sections of the test is the mile. To train for the mile, you need to build up endurance by running at least three times a week. You can start out small, then work up to running one or more miles. Ask your gym teacher what a good time would be for your age level.

2. Next is sit-ups. Start with small sets of 10-15 sit-ups per day, at least two times a week. Try to do these under 30 seconds or 60 seconds, which ever time your school uses. Increase the amount of sit-ups you do and maybe even how many times a week you do them. Not only will this help you get a good score on the sit-ups section of the test, it will give you killer abs!

3. Depending on your school, you may do pull-ups or push-ups, or *gulp*!, both! So to prepare, lift with small weights to build arm muscle three to five times a week. Then, you can start to do the actual pull-up or push-up. Start with small sets, then work up.

4. For the sit and reach, you want to be very, very flexible. Sit on the ground with your legs together out in front of you. Then, reach your hands out toward your toes. Hold this for ten seconds, then repeat 5 times. You can also do this by standing with your feet together and bending over. Make sure you always keep your knees straight. Do these stretches while watching TV, or whenever you have spare time!

5. For the shuttle run, you have to be very good at running short distances, than turning around quickly. So do exactly that! Stand about ten feet in front of a wall and practice running to the wall, touching the floor, then running back at touching the spot where you were standing. Keep doing this for practice every day, and you will be great!

How to Do a Full Body Workout in Less Than 5 Minutes

Do you ever tell yourself you don't have enough time to exercise? If you can't spare enough time for a jog or a trip to the gym, this article will provide a routine that can be over and done with in less than 5 minutes. You'll do 8 exercises for 20 seconds, with 10 second breaks in between. You can mix and match exercises according to your fitness level. It's not a substitute for a trip to the gym, but it's certainly better than nothing!

1. Do as many push-ups as you can in 20 seconds. It works the chest, shoulders, abs, and triceps. See How to Do a Push Up. As you get better, you can also Vary the Push up Routine.

2. Rest for 10 seconds.

3. Do the "mountain climber" for 20 seconds. This will work your core and legs, as well as your lungs!
*From the push-up position, bring one leg forward to your chest and put your weight on it briefly.
*Switch with the other leg.
*Repeat swiftly.

4. Rest for 10 seconds.

5. Do reverse rope pulls for 20 seconds. This is done to work your upper back. If you don't have the means to do this, replace it with another upper back exercise. One option is pilates: How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates.

6. Rest for 10 seconds.

7. Do burpees for 20 seconds.

* Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
* Bring your hands down to the floor.
* Send your feet back and come down to a push-upposition.
* Bring your feet back forward and stand up. (Or jump up for extra work on your legs!)

8. Rest for 10 seconds.

9. Repeat steps 1-8.

How to Create an Exercise Music Playlist

Have you ever noticed just how expensive it can be to purchase music with a specified BPM (Beats per Minute) to exercise to? If you have an MP3 player, you can easily organize your music by its tempo for easy use as exercise music.

1. Explore your MP3 player's help menu to find how to enter the BPM value. This will usually be a number between 60 and 180. In iTunes, you'll find it under "Get Info" for a song. Other MP3 software will likely vary.

2. Find the BPM of your favorite songs.

3. Enter the BPM data into your MP3 software.

4. View your MP3 library of music.

5. Sort the music by tempo. In an iTunes Music Library, this is easily done by double clicking on the column header for BPM.

6. Separate the music into tempos in ranges of 10 BPM. For example, 120-130 BPM, 131-140 BPM, 141-150 BPM, etc. This will keep your exercise tempo even and avoid sudden speeding up or slowing down as you exercise.

7. Save each tempo grouping into its own play list.

8. Load the new exercise playlists onto your MP3 player and head out for your exercise, knowing that you'll be able to keep a steady rhythm as you jog, walk, cycle, etc.